Be Wise To Be Part Of The Family That Has Your Back
We always priotise our noble members in the Gambia and abroad, that’s why we will continue doing our best to deliver what is expected of us.
School Fee Loan
We provide School Fee Loans for our members who are willing to pay for themselves or their love ones.
Financial Councilling
We will help you on how to spend and save your money.
Medical Loan
Medical Loans are available for all members who can't afford to settle their medical bills.
Receive Deposition/Saving From Our Members
Members can deposit starting from the least amount of D100.00 to any maximum amount. Save more to get more.
Provide Loans To Our Members
Members with certain amount of money in their accounts can seek for loan. The more money, the more amount of loan.
Mobile Phone Loans
One of the latest services we provide for our members is the mobile phone loan, which help members to get the latest smart phones in town.
Television Set
We give out television set our members in form of loan, different inches ranging from 32 inches to 54 inches.
Multi Purpose Gas Bottle
We also give out Multi Purpose Gas bottle to our Members ranging from 7.5 kg to 20 kg.
We Provide Motorcycle loan for our members to ease transportation for them.
Building Loan
Members can now apply for building Loan to start or complete their projects
Car Loan
Members can now apply for Car Loan to ease their transportation
Members can now take part of their Salaries before salaries are paid